Thursday, August 18, 2011


What seems like the end of the world,
Is actually the beginning,
From annihilation to the primordial vibration of ‘Om’,
Evolution exacts a price.

In calm the chaos of several millennia,
Race of men, vegetation and animals destroyed...
The seed survives,
An army raised from the ‘Panchtatva’,
Subtle manifestation of the divine,
The imprint on the memory,
A thousand centuries old,
A seasoned traveller of space and time.

The universe isn’t mere planets and galaxies,
Supreme reigns the intelligence,
Sifting, changing from, transforming energy,
Plain, plateaus, oceans and glaciers,
Nature, a mysterious entity,
And‘antarnaad’, a man’s connect to his destiny.

Our existence holds to be so random,
In the scheme of things,
A drudgery.
The quest isn’t for happiness,
It is a cry for peace,
Drawn to a silence that echoes deep.


Subhrashis Adhikari said...

pure bliss

Ismita Tandon said...

@Sub, thank you so much! I enjoyed reading nursery rhymes :)

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