Thursday, December 29, 2011

Who Are You?

Who are you?
Sometimes, I catch a glimpse of you,
When I sit down to write,
Or stare at the sky, feel the breeze,
Talk to the trees,
I find you watching, what I see,
It is deeply religious,
This symphony of you being in me,
A mystery I can’t fathom,
How you reside in me?
You are little more than an acquaintance,
Once in a while offering advice,
I rarely listen,
A fool aren’t I?
Maybe if we were friends,
Better still, tight as lovers,
And I wouldn’t need anyone else,
I wouldn’t hanker...
You must be the whole,
And the vacuum too,
Then, I suffer in vain,
All life trying to find a way back to you.


Preeti S. said...

An intriguing and thoughtful write. An attempt to determine and describe an entity whose presence is felt but remains undefined.

Ismita Tandon said...

@Enigmatic soul, thank you so much. One feels the presence at the most unusual moments :)

Sunil Deepak said...

It is a beautiful thought .. as I grow older, I think more often about the significance of your words .. thanks for expressing it so beautifully

Ismita Tandon said...

@Sunil, Sir, it’s very kind of you to say so. When the noise falls away,either out of sheer happiness or acute loneliness, one feels the presence.A starnge calm that we are much more than this body.

May I suggest you read this poem, I think you’ll enjoy it.
Thank you, once again for dropping by.

Someone is Special said...

better still, tight as lovers,....

Beautiful way to express 'Who are you'.. :-)

Someone is Special

Seeker of Equanimity said...

loved it :-)
did you ever wonder that sometimes we ourselves dont want an answer to some questions. This seems like one of those...

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