Monday, December 23, 2013


Those who know we love them,
And wait to hear from them, a word, a smile, a line,
Always turn up when we least expect them to,
It's their love and thoughtfulness that makes life so full, so dear, so eventful,
That it'd be a shame not to express how grateful the heart is.

Today, an old man stood with me in a queue, for some silly work that he really didn't have to do,
From him I learnt that when we help someone, we must see it through.

Then there was the gift of kindness, from a stranger who saw how tired I was, walking in the heat,
Everywhere I went, I saw people like me,
With their little struggles and worries, made easy by invisible people,
Kind and considerate, friends and strangers, wise and silly,
Each one lovable in his own unique way.

The Song of the Sufi Masroof

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