Friday, January 3, 2014

Crook Of Your Arm

O dear God,
I search the many alleyways of the heart,
Desirous of the sparkling waters of love reflecting your glorious self,
The shimmer on its surface is you, the waves and the water too,
I want to drink from you, quench this unquenchable thirst,
And pour the salt water of defiant tears into your magnanimous heart,
Pull me in, deeper than the darkness that resides in your belly,
So that I may know again the softness, the snugness of a mother's womb,
The tender care, the cooing voice, the anxious wait to hold me in her arms,
And this time deliver me, O Lord, neither screaming nor crying,
Like a flower folds the pollan in its petals, 
Hold me gently in the crook of your arm, smilingly, lovingly...
It's all I ask of you.

The Song of the Sufi Masroof


Veena said...

Happy 2014 !!
Nice Read

Ismita Tandon said...

@Veena, wish you a year filled with love and life! Thank you so much.

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