Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Key

My mystery is your mystery, 
My fate is linked to yours,
A new year is dawning, and I am more confused than before.
Vagaries of the mind are not easy to leave behind,
Like separating tiny glass pebbles from the sand,
No matter how many you pick, many more stick to your hand.

Where do you hide?
Why, do you hide?
What's hidden from you?
In this hiding, perhaps, is the key to the riddle that I am.

The Song of the Sufi Masroof


On A Good Length said...

Thought-provoking lines those!
Looking forward to grab a copy of Jacob Hills :)

By the way, I love the title ' Lesser known Poet'!

Ismita Tandon said...

@Paritosh, wishing you a very happy New Year! Thank you for your kind words. It'd be nice to know what you have to say about Jacob Hills.

As for the title, I didn't really intend to be that lesser known, when I started out. :)

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