Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Other World

There’s no haste in this world,
No rush, no door, no windows,
No sense of time, neither moments nor minutes,
Days or hours.
The world beyond is a flowing stream,
Cool and hypnotic.
I find myself racing towards it,
Like a child running down a hilltop with his arms wide open,
And yet, there’s no journey, no traveller, no road signs,
There’s no drifter, no drifting, no finding.
Then who’s flying and who’s meditating?
Who’s blissful and who’s sitting still?

The Song of the Sufi Masroof


Unknown said...

These are some beautiful lines.. really made me ponder upon what lies beyond.. I mean these are some short but strong lines u have written.. :)

cubic zirconia libya said...

Awesome post .i hope everybody will like your post

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