Thursday, May 15, 2014

An Occurrence

Between those who fall and fail,
And those who stand up to fight another day,
Is merely a difference of discipline.

See, how Mother Nature disciplines her children,
The golden orb rises and sets.
The psychic moon waxes and wanes.
Rain saunters in, stays a while, evaporates.
Wind blows, shrieks, and is still again.
Yet, the human-mind like unruly hair has never been combed,
Disciplined or taken to task.

The most brilliant minds,
With the sharpest intellect, have been laid to waste,
For wisdom is not a faculty of the intellect.

It’s pure, unadulterated knowledge; a knowing, an occurrence, a changing.  

The Song of the Sufi Masroof


Jaded Rebel said...

I have only one word for this poem 'mesmerizing':-):-)

Ismita Tandon said...

Thank you so much, @Juhi! :)

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